FIRST PERIOD: Fougax and Barrineuf, CAMÍ DELS BONS HOMES, near Montsegúr, FRANCE.

 De Einder is concerned with the experience of open space and seclusion, of finiteness and infinitude in space and time.


The dotted line that brings back the idea of cutting is present in both projects. This cutting line separates finite and infinite, material and immaterial, here and there, natural and artificial…
In the first area, on Gorges de la Frau path, near Montségur (France), I have drawn the cutting line on the mountain’s rock to create an artificial and symbolic opening in a natural area.
In the second area, in Stoop Bank, near Dordrecht (Netherlands), I have used the idea of cutting but on human beings to extract horizons dictated by thought and feeling.
HORIZON 0: Gorges de la Frau. I’m looking for the horizon. I can’t see it. This space is very enclosed. My reaction: to cut out a piece of mountain to reach it.
HORIZON: It’s not only a line in the landscape. It also represents illusions, dreams, ambitions… the perspectives of life.
TO CUT OUT: I decide to create an image that reflects this idea and that gives the mental possibility to open a panoramic window to imagine which horizon is hidden behind. From this pursuit results a series of drawings called “Pre-cut horizons”.
POSTCARD: The picture shows a piece of mountain rock, vertical and vertiginous, taken on the path of Gorges de la Frau. I complete that landscape adding a dotted rectangle and little scissors, which encourage to cut out a piece of mountain.
ACTION – 30 July 2004 –
The action takes place at the beginning of Gorges de la Frau path, next to Fougax and Barrineuf, where quite a lot of people walk and cross the area.
I give them a postcard that becomes more than a souvenir of their walk, it is an invitation to open their own window, their own horizon.
The project, De Einder is to take place in the summer of 2004 and the summer of 2005 on two very different locations.
Twelve artists will be working in the neighbourhood of Montsegúr in the French Pyrenees and a year later the same artists will be working in the Biesbosch near Dordrecht in the Netherlands. Not only will the differences in the project locations play an important role but also the social surroundings of the participating artists will be crucial. Whereas the horizon in the North is a fixed point of orientation a view of the horizon is a rarity in the mountains of the South. This will presumably affect the work done in both locations. These differences and variations will be the starting point of this project.Locations:
Fougax and Barrineuf (near Montsegúr, France.)
The Dordtse Biesbosch ( near Dordrecht, the Netherlands.)In the first working period (17-31 July 2004 ) the artists will stay in the art centre Cat’ Art in St. Columbe sur l’Hers. They will be able to lodge in various apartments and use a big communal studio in the grounds. The project will come to fruition in the neighbourhood of Fougax, a village 20 km from the art centre. While the project is in progress the work of the participating artists will be on show in the gallery of the Art Centre Cat’ Art.During the second period of work the artists will be living in the Internationaal Gastatelier Toos Neger and in private homes. The project will be completed in the polderland and reed banks to the Southwest of the Kop van het Land, roughly 10 km from the centre of Dordrecht. The Noordkaap Foundation will allow the Watertoren to be used to house an exhibition and as a communal studio.